I posted an interesting quote / question from the author of the E-Myth, Michael Gerber on Facebook and Twitter which read...
"Why is it that with all the information available today on how to be successful in small business, so few people really are?"
Anyway, I got some interesting responses including...
Even if you are doing everything right, you need co-operation from your clients (it's your client's fault)
Maybe people are spending too much productive time reading
As well as...
Ignorance? Hubris? Fear?
Reading, not doing.
Not taking action.
Lack of follow through and fleeting motivations.
As you can see, this sparked quite a bit of interest, so I thought I would take a moment to cover off my thoughts on this subject.
I think there are a few reasons.
1. Most people don't read enough: and yes, while there is a lot of information out there, if you don't read or listen to that information and actually take it in, it's going to do you absolutely no good.
The bottom line is we should all have audio in our car and be carrying a book around with us to read in our down-time to be in a state of constant learning.
That's what I try and do. But I rarely see it happening and there are people who think I am crazy because I am such an avid learner.
But the bottom line is - the more you learn, the more you earn. Or at least that's my experience. Of course, if you also...
2. Take Action: I know plenty of people who are "mavens" (they know a lot about business) but have empty pockets.
Because they don't implement what they know. There is no better teacher than real life experience and you don't really know something until you actually do it and experience the results for yourself.
I once thought I was a great marketer - until I actually opened a business and fell flat on my face (that was my hairdressing business). It was a bit of a reality check.
But I've done other things which have succeeded and paid off handsomely. You only really learn from making mistakes and doing something. You also only become successful in business by following this same path.
3. A closed mind: I was amazed when I first started selling this whole direct marketing stuff that some people were so closed off to it. I would show them facts and studies and some people were so skeptical and closed off they wouldn't even open their mind to it.
If one's mind is closed off to these ideas, it doesn't matter how much good stuff is out there, you're never going to be able to digest it.
4. Follow through: I used to get really excited about a project and then dump it... moving onto the next. Like a network marketer who jumps from one company to another on a month to month basis, I wouldn't stick to anything for any period of time.
Until I met my wife.
In truth, I owe a lot of my success to her because she helped me remain focused and develop follow through.
So the four legs to the success stool - according to Scott Bywater - are...
1. Become an avid reader
2. Take action
3. Open your mind
4. Focus and follow through
I would also add to this responsibility. You can't blame other people like your clients for your lack of success - the reality is if you don't like the clients you are attracting, you need different bait.
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